ARGUMENTATIVE TEXT (2024 Election: Democracy of Ideas, Not Heresy)


The 2024 election is an important moment in promoting the idea of true democracy, where voter power is based on rational judgment and accurate information, not just worship of politicians and political parties. In this process, voters need to focus not only on image and popularity, but also on criticality and accuracy in making decisions. Informed and rational voters are the main pillars in building a strong and resilient democracy.

Argument 1

In the context of the 2024 General Election, focusing on ideas and wisdom is key in choosing prospective leaders. Voters are expected to rationally assess the visions and programs promoted by the candidates, not just be lured by empty promises or political popularity. This will ensure the election of leaders who have the integrity and ability to realize the changes desired by the community.

Argument 2 

True democracy must not be entangled in a culture of excessive political cultism. The 2024 election will be an event where people critically question candidates' platforms and policies, and demand accountability from elected leaders. In this way, voters can choose based on a deep understanding of the vision and program that truly supports the interests of the people, not narrow interests.

Argument 3

The 2024 General Election is an important moment to encourage the active and intelligent participation of the people in the democratic process. By voting based on a deep understanding of the issues facing the country, voters can play a role in electing leaders who truly represent the interests and aspirations of the people. Critically informed voters are the foundation for building a quality democracy.


The 2024 elections are not just an election process, but also a platform to build a democracy based on ideas and accurate information. By increasing political awareness and knowledge, we can ensure that elected leaders are truly capable of carrying out their duties well and are responsible to the people. True democracy is when voter power is based on deep understanding and rational judgment, not just a cult of political figures or parties.
